La EIP-AGRI  (European Innovation Partnership on Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability)  busca consultores temporales para 2019, para los Grupos de discusión de la EIP-AGRI.

En particular, los temas cubiertos en 2019 incluyen:


Resource management:

– Dealing with soil salinisation
– Beekeeping sustainability
– Protecting agricultural soils from contamination
– Agro-ecology

Farm resilience:

– Diversification of farmers’ and foresters’ income through niche products (e.g. aromatic and medicinal plants)
– Crop diversification and crop rotation to improve the resilience of the farm
– Antimicrobial resistance, especially in poultry farming and considering animal welfare

Capacity building and digitisation:

– Skills development for the digital transition in farming and forestry
– Innovative solutions and access to new technologies for small farms and forest holdings

➡ La fecha límite para solicitudes es el 17 de diciembre de 2018, 23:59 hrs, hora de Bruselas.

➡ Si está interesado, complete este formulario de solicitud (haz clíck aquí) y envíe su CV en formato Europass.

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