The Commission URGENTLY needs the names of EU experts that would actively participate in the 2 workshops planned in 2019 for the EU project on alternatives to MB for exports to CANADA. As the first workshop is scheduled for 20-21 March 2019, the Commission would need the names of expertsat the latest by 15 January 2019.

La Comisión Europea necesita de forma URGENTE expertos que puedan y quieran participar ACTIVAMENTE en 2 jornadas técnicas a celebrarse en 2019 en relación con un proyecto Europeo sobre alternativas al bromuro de metilo para exportar a Canadá. Dado que la primera de las jornadas está prevista para los días 20-21 de Marzxo 2019, la Comisión Europea requiere los nombres de los posibles expertos participantes antes del 15 de enero de 2019. Más información, por favor, contactar directamente con Nuria Mª Arribas:

These experts should have experience with alternative treatments to MB for plants and plant products in international trade (their costs of travel/accommodation will be covered under the project).

The request was circulated via a note to TPC (including distribution to the Roosendaal Working Party) on 14 November 2018  with reference WK 13894/2018 (attached) with deadline of 20 December 2019.

In this note Member States were kindly invited to:

  1. a) provide an overview on market access restrictions to Canada due to non-acceptance by Canada of alternative treatments to methyl bromide (with identification of the product and the pest of concern for Canada and where possible any alternative approach to mitigate the risk);
  2. b) provide a list of priority commodities for exporters from your country to be discussed during the MB project; and
  3. c) identify experts to actively participate in the workshops planned in 2019. These experts should have experience with alternative treatments to MB for plants and plant products in international trade (costs of travel/accommodation will be covered under the project).

Thanks for those Member States (2 so far) whom responded already. However, so far no Member State provide names of experts to participate in this EU project.  This project has been set-up by the Commission in follow-up of a demand from several Member States and EU business to tackle the EU export problems encountered with methyl bromide requirements imposed by Canada.

We can already inform that Canada reacted positively to engage in this EU project which entails 2 workshops and Canada has shared already an initial list of nearly 20 participants from their side including some experts from the United States.

From the EU side we hope to have at least 20 EU experts participating in the two workshops.

Therefore, it would be important not to miss this opportunity to engage from the EU side during this project which is of EU interest.

With a view to make this EU project successful we look forward to receive your rapid response in providing names of EU experts to participate in this project.

This project will facilitate exports by sharing best practices on alternatives to MB treatments in phytosanitary import conditions and producing a practical guide to be used by EU exporters for submitting alternatives to MB Treatment including systems based approach to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).

The project will also entail two workshops in Canada (Ottawa). The first workshop with the objective to exchange best practices for MB alternatives taking place at the outset of the project and another one towards the end of the project to validate the guide that has been developed during the project. The first workshop is tentatively set to take place in Ottawa in March 2019 and the second workshop in September 2019.

The date set for the first workshop is now confirmed for 20 and 21 March 2019 (Ottawa).